Instructions for use

‘ICAO With’ mobile application operated by International Cooperative Alliance Organization(hereby ICAO) secretariat : ‘ICAO With’ mobile application uses the following guide in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act to protect personal information of users and their rights and interests and to smoothly handle any user difficulties related to personal information.

Changes to the privacy policy of ‘ICAO With’ : ‘ICAO With’ mobile application will be announced through the mobile application (or individual notices). This policy is in effect from June 1, 2023.

Article 1 (Purpose of processing personal information)

'ICAO With' mobile application processes personal information for the following purposes.

Processed personal information shall not be used for purposes other than the following, and user’s prior consent will be requested in the case of changes made to the purpose of use.

Article 2 (Items of personal information to be handled)

'ICAO With' mobile application processes the following personal information items.

Article 3 (Processing and retention period of personal information)

Personal information of users will be destroyed immediately when its processing purpose is completed.

Article 4 (Consent and purpose of authorization on device access)

'ICAO With' mobile application asks for user permission to gain device access required to perform app services. When users tap the “agree” button, access is considered to be permitted.

Article 5 (Provision of personal information to a third party)

'ICAO With' mobile application processes personal information of users within the purposes specified in Article 1 (Purpose of processing personal information), and shall not process the personal information for purposes stated other than the above and shall not disclose user information to a third party without prior consent of users.

Article 6 (Trust of processing personal information)

Article 7 (Destruction of Personal Information)

'ICAO With' mobile application will immediately destroy collected personal information once the processing purposes such as the completion of delivering event prizes is achieved. Procedures, deadlines and methods for destroying are as follows.

Article 8 (Measures to secure safety of personal information)

'ICAO With' mobile application uses the following technical / administrative and physical measures to secure safety according to Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 9 (Privacy Officer)

ICAO Secretariat designates the privacy officer and person in charge of personal information as below to protect personal information and process complaints related to personal information. (Privacy officers according to Article 31-1 of Personal Information Protection Act)

Privacy Officer
Name : LEE Wook
Department / Position : ICAO Secretariat / Secretary General

Person in charge of personal information
Department : ICAO Secretariat
Person in charge : LEE JIN HYUNG
Contact: +82-2-2080-6122

Article 10 (Modification of privacy policy)

This Privacy Policy takes effect from the date of implementation, and any addition, deletions or corrections according to the laws and policies will be announced through notice from 7 days before the implementation of such changes.

Article 11 (Remedy for infringement on rights and interests)

Subjects of personal information infringement can apply for dispute resolution or consultation to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee and Personal Information Infringement Report Center of Korea Internet & Security Agency. Please contact the following organizations for reporting and counseling for other matters related to infringement of personal information.

Personal Information Infringement Report Center (Operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency)
Duties: Report the fact of infringement of personal information, apply for consultation
Phone: (Without area code) +82-118
Address: (138-950) Personal Information Infringement Report Center of Korea Internet & Security Agency, 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (Operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency)
Duties: Apply for dispute mediation of personal information, group dispute mediation (Resolution through civil suit)
Phone: (Without area code) +82-118
Address: (138-950) Personal Information Infringement Report Center of Korea Internet & Security Agency, 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

Cyber Crime Investigation Department of Supreme Prosecutor’s Office : +82-2-3480-3573 (
Cyber Crime Investigation Department of the National Police Agency : +82-1566-0112 (